Our six company values help to define what we stand for. They articulate how we behave and what we expect from each other. In turn, they influence our culture. Every company has a culture - we choose to have one that we love and we all strive to keep it that way. All of us follow these values and believe in them. 

Respecting Each Other

Treating people with respect makes our company a nicer place to work. We value peoples opinions and we listen to each other. We are sensitive to other peoples feelings, concerns and roles. In this way we can learn from each other and be considerate to each other. If things do not go to plan, we understand, help and support each other and as a result we are assured of reciprocal support.

Supporting Our Business

Acorn provides our wages and provides opportunities for us to develop and achieve in our working lives. Reciprocally, we look after Acorn as if it is our own business. We all choose to work at Acorn and we all take responsibility for our own actions and performance. We understand that reaching Acorn’s financial objectives facilitates our security and growth.

Growth Mindset

We are all part of Acorn as it grows and develops as a business into the future. We think outside the box and challenge ourselves in all situations, pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones. Together we are constantly changing and are creating a smarter, bigger and better business.

Pride In Our Work

We all represent Acorn and we are what makes the business great. Everything we do, we do it 100%, to the best of our ability. We are proud of the work we do. We pay attention to detail, are professional and consistent and provide our clients and each other with the utmost in service.


We all play an equal part in the growth and development of Acorn. We have a very open management structure who welcome all opinions, ideas and suggestions which will be listened to and actioned. We are all open and honest with each other, there are no closed doors. We co-operate to reach our common goals.

A Happy Place

We work in a positive environment which encourages work satisfaction, efficiency and creates a successful business. Everyone makes a big contribution to our wins and successes, which we celebrate. We love to recognise our colleagues and the positive effect this has on our business.
We all have a sense of achievement, enjoy what we do and we look forward to coming into work every day. Everyone is encouraged to shout out about any achievement.