We are confident that we offer our clients an efficient, highly skilled, conscientious, motivated and trusted workforce.

Our team structure encompasses senior management, key decision makers and our teams of engineers, ensuring a fast and efficient 2-way flow of information and high-quality support structure for all our site teams and clients which is second to none.

Our people form the heart of our business and are the key to our success. That is why we ensure that all of our employees are dedicated to the roles that they undertake at Acorn.

Our management team are truly engaged at each level of the business. This demonstrates their commitment and also provides that personal touch for you.

Acorn Contracts Managers

Each of our clients has a dedicated contracts manager who is their main contact. They are responsible for developing the relationship and ensuring that the right amount of communication and reporting is achieved depending on the clients’ individual needs.

Our contracts managers have a full team based in our Slough head office who are in constant contact to ensure all services are completed and reported back to the client. This team includes helpdesk, administration, HR, finance and marketing.

Want to find out more about Acorn Maintenance and our services?

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