Back in May, Freeformers and Dentsu Aegis Network co-hosted a day of high-tech discovery and hands-on workshops, all geared towards digital skills for bright, young 16-25 year olds, with the added opportunity for 10 lucky people to get a place at the brand new digital agency fortysix!

fortysix is a new agency powered by young digital native talent from diverse backgrounds who wouldn’t normally get the opportunity to work in the marketing and communications industries. The set up the free digital skills event in Dentsu Aegis Network’s HQ in London to recruit their first set of ‘fortysixers’.

Attendees learnt how to code and prototype their very own app in the CODE and LAB zones, keep safe in the SECURITY zone and learnt how to conquer the web in the SOCIAL zone.

Acorn supported the event by providing tickets to climb the O2.

Jon Coiley, Managing Director commented ‘We were thrilled to be able to support an event like this. Digital technology is the way forward and constantly growing and changing. It is great to be able to give them an introduction into an industry they may not otherwise have had the opportunity to see.’