Making a decision to change an incumbent building services provider is difficult, we can provide you with confidence to change.

We understand that familiarity, resistance to change, internal culture and risk aversion are factors in this process.

We also understand that the cost of the service is in a client’s top five overhead costs and needs to be competitive to promote change.

We have developed a systematic approach to dealing with this to demonstrate that the risk of change if dealt with efficiently and effectively is not a risk but more an opportunity.

Our approach is underpinned by people who are the key ingredient to its success.

Our process is driven by understanding your requirements from the outset and working collaboratively with you.

Ensuring the change of provider is both effective, managed and successful is about establishing a proper mobilisation process.

Our mobilisation programme is designed to deliver a seamless, lowest-risk transition so that our service gets underway rapidly, minimising disruption to activities to enable you to maintain ‘business as usual’ throughout.

Download the full Changing your Maintenance Supplier case study
